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Terms and Conditions

To enjoy the privileges, deals and promotions offered by Pay2Home, please note the Terms and Conditions below.

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Terms and Conditions

  1. Hello

    Please take time to read this document. It is important and explains how Pay2Home provides services. This agreement is written in plain English without the use of complex legal constructions. If you do not understand any part of this document, please ask us or seek professional advice before using any of our services. Clients are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

  2. Pay2Home

    Wandr Pte. Ltd. (UEN 200720719M) is a major payment institution licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. P2H (Hong Kong) Pte Limited (business registration 38215198-000) is a money remittance business licensed by the Customs & Excise Department of the Monetary Service Supervision Bureau, Hong Kong. Wandr Pte. Ltd. and P2H (Hong Kong) Pte Limited operate the brand Pay2Home.

  3. Definitions

    • "Company" means Wandr Pte. Ltd. for all Singapore Clients, and related Singapore Services and P2H (Hong Kong) Pte Limited for all Hong Kong Clients and related Hong Kong Services.
    • "Client" means you, the client of the Company.
    • "Services" include the provision of foreign exchange, local transfers, international transfers, wallets, loyalty programs, Account, Client and Beneficiary management, MTM, Mobile Application, Website, RPIPs and Partner Services.
    • "Account" means the aggregation of the Services made available to a Client.
    • "Communication" means any form of communication including e-mail, instant messages, notifications, faxes, SMSs, any form of printed communication including postal and courier services, and any form of oral communication including face-to-face, audio and video interfaces.
    • "Transaction" includes any transaction within the Services provided by the Company to the Client.
    • "Beneficiary" means the recipient of any Transaction within the Services provided by the Company to the Client.
    • "Instruction" means any Communication between the Client and the Company to undertake a Transaction.
    • "Counter" means a physical place of business at any of the licensed locations operated by the Company.
    • "Concierge" means a representative of the Company who may initiate any Service with a Client anywhere that is not a Counter.
    • "MAS" means the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
    • "MTM" means a proprietary electronic touch point enabling a Client to access the Services.
    • "Mobile Application" means any electronic application distributed by the Company directly or indirectly for the use of part or all of the Services.
    • "MyInfo" means the Singapore government resident database service.
    • "Wallet" means a virtual container of stored value including currency and loyalty data.
    • "Primary Wallet" means the Wallet in the local currency of the Company.
    • "Personal Information" includes current and historical Client, related Beneficiary and Transaction information, location and electronic device information.
    • "Partner Services" includes insurance plans provided by Chubb Insurance Singapore Ltd (“Chubb”).
    • "Politically Exposed Person(s)" has the same meaning as defined by the relevant authority.
    • "Related Person(s)" has the same meaning as defined by the relevant authority.
    • "Website" means any website owned or operated directly or indirectly by the Company for the provision of part or all of the Services.
    • "RPIP" means a Retail Product Instalment Plan related to a Client product purchase.

    Where the context so admits, the singular shall include the plural and words in a specific gender shall include any other gender.
    References in this document to any clause shall be taken as a reference to the clauses within this document unless otherwise expressly stated.
    The words "include" or "including" in these Terms shall be deemed to be followed by "without limitation" and or "but not limited to" whether or not they are followed by similar phrases or words.

  4. Agreement

    1. By applying to be a Client of the Company you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions ("the Terms") as set out in this document. The Company may amend these Terms, fees or charges at its sole discretion without prior warning and with immediate effect. Any such amendments will be deemed accepted by the Client if the Client continues to use any of the Services.
    2. These Terms supersede any prior Communications, provided that neither party may exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or fraud.
    3. The Company may outsource the provision of any of the Services to Pay2Home Pte Ltd (UEN 200105808G) or to P2H Consumer Services Pte Ltd (UEN 201810265K).
  5. Account Opening

    1. The Client will provide to the Company access to the Client’s MyInfo information, else the following documentation to apply for an Account: -
      • identification documents,
      • full name and contact details,
      • proof of address, and
      • any other information that the Company may deem necessary.
    2. The Client warrants that any information supplied to the Company is accurate and up-to-date and will update the Company of any changes prior to initiating a Transaction.
    3. The Company may not verify the Client information immediately and will inform the Client later if the Account has been opened.
    4. Under the temporary MAS COVID19 regulations for those Clients residing in dormitories, the Company may validate Client data with the Clients’s employers.
    5. The Company will be under no obligation to provide a reason to the Client if the Account is not successfully opened.
    6. Clients may not share any Client data including usernames, passwords, Client, Beneficiary or Account information with anyone else.
  6. Eligibility

    1. The eligibility of the Client to use any Service will be determined by the Company at its sole discretion, and the eligibility criteria will be updated and reapplied on a regular basis.
    2. Continued eligibility will include risk analysis, due diligence, screening and verifications, and additional information may be required to be submitted to the Company by the Client.
    3. The Company shall not be obliged to disclose to the Client its reasons for any decision to close an Account or withdraw the provision of any Services.
  7. Corporate Clients & Merchants

    1. When the Client is not an individual person, the following additional requirements will apply to the Client as a corporate body or other legal collective entity: -
      1. The Client will provide information to the Company including those of: -
        • its Related Persons,
        • membership of professional bodies or associations, and
        • places of business and relevant jurisdictions.
      2. The Client will submit to the Company certified copies including: -
        • the register of directors,
        • significant shareholders,
        • the secretary and auditors,
        • latest submitted report and accounts, and
        • resolutions empowering specific officer(s) to apply for an Account or submit Instructions, in accordance with the Client's Memorandum & Articles of Association.
      3. The Client will not be eligible for stored value services.
    2. Additional information may be required on a case by case basis, and will be reviewed on a more frequent basis.
  8. Client and Beneficiary Information

    1. The Client warrants that they, the Beneficiaries and their respective Related Persons are not Politically Exposed Persons or involved in scamming or other schemes of financial coercion.
    2. The Client agrees that it will inform the Company of any changes to: -
      • the information provided to the Company for the purpose of opening the Account,
      • information submitted by the Client to MyInfo,
      • related Beneficiary details.
    3. If the Client changes any Beneficiary information included in Clause 10.3, when an Instruction has been given but the Transaction has not completed, then the Company may delay the Transaction and charge additional fees.
  9. Instructions

    1. The Client may instruct the Company to perform a Transaction, but the Company is not obliged to accept any Instruction and may refuse to do so without reason.
    2. Payment for an Instruction is binding on the Client as soon as the Client confirms the Instruction in the Website, Mobile Application or at a MTM, signs the Instruction at the Counter or with the Concierge, or confirms the Instruction via Communication with the Company.
    3. Confirmation details of the Instruction will be sent in an automated Communication to the Client.
    4. The Company reserves the right to change the quoted foreign exchange rate, if applicable, at any time prior to the Client funds being received by the Company.
    5. The Client agrees that the Company may make audio and/or video recordings of conversations and that such recordings shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings and shall be binding on the Client.
  10. Transactions

    1. In relation to money transfer transactions and bill payments, a Transaction is completed only upon the actual receipt of the funds by the Beneficiary.
    2. The Company agrees to enter into each Transaction on the basis that the Client: -
      • has full capacity to instruct the Company to perform the Service,
      • is acting personally and not in the interests of a third party or undisclosed persons,
      • is not speculating on currency movements, and
      • shall be solely responsible for requesting the timing and nature of all Transactions.
    3. The Client shall provide all Beneficiary information including: -
      • full name, address and contact details,
      • bank name, address, branch, routing information and account number,
      • bill reference number,
      • confirmation of the purpose of the transfer,
      • collection pick-up, delivery location or agent outlet.
    4. The Company may use agents or correspondent banks, including their associated agent networks, to facilitate Transactions.
    5. The Company will only accept a Transaction if it complies with the restrictions imposed by our banking partners.
    6. In the event that a distribution agent generates an additional payment reference, this will be available in the Transaction history on the Mobile Application, MTM, Website or from customer services.
    7. Scams involving purportedly frozen funds in transit or frozen bank accounts, especially in China, the Client must contact customer services and follow the current procedure to attempt to release frozen funds or bank accounts to the Beneficiary. When personal bank accounts are used to receive corporate payments, the Customer assumes all the risk responsibility for the Transaction.
    8. The Company will only process the Transaction(s) after payment is received in full, including any commission or fees payable to counterparties and third parties.
    9. The Company shall not offer an opinion nor enter into any Communication with the Client pertaining to financial advice.
    10. Any foreign currency rate displayed or referred to prior to the confirmation is indicative only.
    11. The exchange rate applicable to a Transaction will be that which the Company confirms, only when cleared funds have been received in full.
    12. Rates are locked at the time of confirmation as set out in Clause 9.3 and cannot be changed at the Client's request.
    13. Unless otherwise agreed, the Beneficiary will receive the funds in the currency of the country of the Beneficiary.
    14. Any dispute regarding the Transaction must be made to the Company within 48 hours, and will not be considered without acknowledgment of receipt of Communication by the Company.
    15. No interest will be payable on any Transaction.
    16. The Client accepts the Company's records of Transactions as final and conclusive and binding for all purposes, except where there is indisputable error.
  11. Payment

    1. The Client may pay for any Transaction using cash over the Counter, cash in MTM, by bank transfer or equivalent, cheque, GIRO, stored value or at 7-Eleven outlets.
    2. Cash payments will be subject to local authority regulations and may incur a cash handling fee.
    3. Change due from a cash in MTM payment may be used to credit the Client’s Wallet.
    4. GIROs may be set up with the value of Transactions limited by the Company. A Communication will be sent to the Client when payments are made by received.
    5. Stored value payments will be deducted from the Client’s Wallet(s).
    6. The Client must pay for any Transaction within 48 hours from giving the Instruction.
    7. In addition to any right of set-off which the Company is entitled to, the Company may at any time set-off any amounts owing by the Client to the Company against any amounts owing by the Company to the Client at the Company's prevailing rates and notify the Client accordingly.
    8. The Client warrants that the source of funds for any Transaction is not from an illegal activity, including tax crime.
    9. The Company will hold all payments received from the Client in a client account opened with a bank which is licensed as a safeguarding institution in Singapore (“Safeguarding Institution”). These Safeguarding Institutions are governed by the MAS Banking Regulations, however in the event a Safeguarding Institution becomes insolvent, there is a low risk that the Company may not have recourse to your payment.
    10. By using the Company’s Services, the Client confirms that they understand the act of maintaining a client account and depositing Client’s payments into such an account does not guarantee that the Company will be able to satisfy any and all claims by the Client in relation to their payment and that the Safeguarding Institution will not be liable to compensate the Client in the event that the funds in the client account are insufficient to satisfy a Client’s claim against the Company.
    11. The Client’s payments will be commingled with other relevant payments received from other Clients within the client account, however the Company does not see this as adding any additional risk to a Client payment.
  12. Stored Value

    1. For non-Singapore resident Clients, Pay2Home Pte Ltd (“Pay2Home”) is exempted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore from holding a licence to provide e-money issuance services. Please note that you may not be able to recover all the money you paid Pay2Home if Pay2Home’s business fails.
    2. The Client will only transact stored value services with the Company acting as the merchant, and acknowledges that the operator and holder of stored value is Pay2Home Pte Ltd.
    3. The Client may transfer funds into their Primary Wallet using cash over the Counter, or by bank transfer or equivalent, or by cheque or GIRO providing that the total value of the funds in any Wallet is not more than the Client's Wallet limit specified by the Company.
    4. The Client may request a refund from their Primary Wallet by cash over the Counter during business hours, or as agreed on a case by case basis, subject to the tariff of charges.
    5. Funds in a Primary Wallet may be transferred to another Wallet of the Client in a different currency at a rate fixed by the Company and agreed to by the Client.
    6. Funds in a Wallet may be: -
      • used to pay for a Transaction,
      • transferred to another Wallet of another client of the Company.
    7. By completing certain Transactions, the Company may add loyalty rewards to the Client's Wallet that may be exchanged for discounts or services as advertised.
  13. Pricing

    1. Fees, commission and all other charges associated with any of the Services will be published by the Company in a tariff of charges.
    2. Transaction fees charged do not include or replace any other costs related to the completion of a Transaction or the fees and charges of the Beneficiaries' bank, correspondent, intermediary or agent.
    3. In addition to transaction fees, the Client will bear the fees and charges of the Beneficiaries' bank, correspondent, intermediary or agent, which may be deducted from the proceeds of the Transaction.
    4. Incorrect or incomplete Beneficiary information may result in the Transaction failing to complete and additional charges being applied.
    5. If the Client recalls a Transaction before completion, then additional fees will be paid by the Client to the Company.
    6. Transaction trace requests will not be initiated less than 48 hours from the Transaction confirmation Communication, may be charged for, and may take up to 30 days to complete.
  14. Cancellation

    1. A Transaction may be cancelled if the Client: -
      • provided any false or inaccurate information to the Company,
      • breaches these Terms, or any relevant regulatory authority rule or regulation,
      • does not fund the Transaction within the time specified,
      • remains uncontactable for more than 48 hours,
      • applies, or is filed against, for bankruptcy, or
      • becomes of unsound mind or dies.
    2. The Client, or its representative(s), agree to inform the Company immediately of any circumstance referred to in Clause 14.1.
    3. The Company may cancel a Transaction: -
      • if it is required to do so by any relevant authority, or under any rule or regulation, or it becomes unlawful for the Company to complete the Transaction, or
      • for any other reason, including scams, market volatility or exchange rate fluctuations.
    4. In the event of a Transaction being cancelled, the Client will be liable for all associated costs, which may be deducted from the Client's funds without recourse against the Company.
  15. Retail Purchase Instalment Plan

    1. The Company may at its discretion offer certain Clients the opportunity to purchase retail products and enter into a RPIP.
    2. Application for a RPIP is not guaranteed, and will be subject to:-
      • Validation of existing Client information,
      • Provision of current employment details, including term and employer information,
      • Proof of income, and
      • Payment of a non-refundable RPIP application fee.
    3. The Client agrees to make the required instalment plan payments as specified in the RPIP, and acknowledges that failure to do so may incur administrative fees, additional charges and require full repayment of the RPIP.
    4. The Company may deduct any amounts overdue, including fees and charges from the Client’s Wallet(s) or Transaction(s).
    5. Any product purchased from the Company may not be exchanged, refunded or returned, except as covered by the associated manufacturer’s warranty.
    6. The Client may not assign, pledge, mortgage, transfer any proportion of the purchased products if a related RPIP has not been fully paid.
    7. Any RPIP cannot be terminated or cancelled without the consent of the Company.
  16. Insurance Plan

    1. The Company may at its discretion offer certain Clients an insurance plan provided by Chubb.
    2. Clients must opt in and agree to Chubb’s  Policy Wording and Declarations, and consent to the Company forwarding personal Client data to Chubb to be covered by an insurance plan.
    3. Chubb may, at its discretion, decline to offer an insurance plan to the Client.
    4. In the event of a claim, the Client must provide Chubb with the identity documentation and date of birth of the beneficiary of the insurance plan.
    5. When a Client purchases additional Chubb insurance cover, the standard Chubb insurance plan will no longer apply.
    6. All matters relating to Chubb services should be directed to Chubb, at +65-6299-0988 or
  17. Liability

    1. The Company shall not be liable to the Client or any third parties for any: -
      • third party fees, taxes or charges including Beneficiary bank charges,
      • losses or charges sustained by the Client as a direct or indirect result of Force Majeure or any other unforeseeable circumstances or situations beyond its control,
      • delays or losses whether direct or indirect in completing a Transaction caused by circumstances beyond its control, including such as may be related to Beneficiary information, availability of funds, non-performance of agents, correspondents or banks.
      • losses resulting from currency fluctuations, scams or schemes of financial coercion,
      • breach of the Company’s or the Client’s data or security systems,
      • unavailability of the Services (wholly or partially) for any reason whatsoever,
      • withdrawal of the Services (wholly or partially) by the Company for any reason whatsoever,
      • downtime or other temporary disruption to any of the Services,
      • losses resulting from the misuse or loss of any device using a Mobile Application or Website and the Client will indemnify the Company accordingly.
    2. The Client agrees to the use of the Websites and Mobile Application(s) as provided and waives all claims against the Company for any unintended consequences from the use of such on the Client's electronic devices.
    3. Under no circumstances shall the total liability of the Company to the Client exceed the value of the fee or commission of the Transaction in question.
    4. The Client will be responsible to ensure that they use suitable software and hardware security on their electronic devices to ensure that nothing malicious is passed to the Company including viruses, malware, trojan horses or other damaging software.
    5. The Company accepts no liability for any Partner Services provided to Clients. All matters relating to Partner Services should be directed to the respective partner.
  18. Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism

    1. The Client warrants that any Personal Information or Instructions given to the Company are not in breach of any local or International laws relating to anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism.
    2. The Company may of its own accord, without necessarily informing the Client, delay the processing of a Transaction, and may return funds to the Client without explanation.
  19. Indemnity

    1. The Client shall fully indemnify the Company, its directors and employees from and against all losses, claims, liabilities, damages or costs that maybe incurred in exercising or defending its rights in or pursuant to to these Terms.
    2. The Client warrants to inform the Company if the disambiguation of these Terms are unclear.
  20. Use of Personal Data

    1. The Company will hold, manage and use Personal Information in accordance with current data protection legislation of the jurisdiction within which the Company is sited.
    2. The Client agrees that the Company may: -
      • collect any Personal Information of the Client;
      • Disclose any Personal Information to any regulatory authority or court of law or professional advisor as may be required, and need not inform the Client that it has done so;
      • retain any Communication between the Company and the Client, and that the contents of these may be used as evidence in dispute resolution;
      • use third parties to verify Personal Information or to perform credit or standing checks.
    3. The Client agrees that the Company will use Personal Information for the purpose of: -
      • providing the Services,
      • managing marketing preferences, and
      • related activities including administration, customer services, product and business development activities.
    4. The Client agrees that the Company, its affiliates or business partners, may also use the Personal Information to send the Client Communications including: -
      • the status of Transactions,
      • other services, products, or rewards programs available to the Client, and
      • marketing information regarding Services.
    5. The Client agrees that in supplying referral third party personal information to the Company, that they have obtained consent to do so from that third party.
    6. By agreeing to receive Communications, the Client accepts that any charges imposed by their network provider or delivery service will be the Client's sole responsibility.
    7. The Company will only share Personal Information with other parties with whom it has a contractual relationship to protect Personal Information, or with whom it is required to validate the accuracy of Personal Information.
    8. The Company retains Personal Information based on a record retention schedule for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which Personal Information was collected and in compliance with applicable laws of the jurisdiction within which the Company is sited. If the Client does not use any Services within the retention period, the Client's Personal Information will be archived or destroyed as required or permitted by such applicable laws.
    9. The Client has the right to request a copy of and to correct Personal Information that is incomplete, inaccurate or out-of-date. The Company may charge a fee and will request proof substantiating such changes.
    10. If the Client no longer wishes to receive any Communications included in Clause 20.4, the Client should contact the Company during regular business hours or send the Company an e-mail to attention to 'the DPO'.
  21. Communications

    1. The Client agrees that Communications: -
      • are confidential and may not be disseminated to any third party,
      • received in error will be reported immediately to the Company,
      • may be compromised, including alteration, interception or non-delivery, and
      • made by the Company are not guaranteed as to accuracy of content.
    2. When the Client is a foreign worker, the Client agrees that the Company may contact the employer of the Client and disclose Personal Information as may be necessary.
    3. Any printed communication will be considered delivered 2 business days after sending.
    4. Any electronic communication will be considered delivered after confirmation of transmission.
  22. Intellectual Property

    1. All materials, electronic, printed or published relating to the Company or any of its Websites, Communications, Mobile Applications or Services remain the property of the Company, and all rights are reserved.
    2. The Client may print and retain only transactional information relating to their Transactions for non-commercial and personal use, and may not distribute any part of this information.
    3. The Client may not attempt to view, copy, change or reverse engineer any code, process flow or procedure that forms part of the Services and shall ensure that such other person or legal entity that the Client involves will not do so. The Company will treat this as a criminal offence, and will pursue all its rights accordingly.
  23. Governing Law

    1. This agreement in relation to Wandr Pte. Ltd. and its Clients will be governed by Singapore law, and the Client shall consent and submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
    2. This agreement in relation to P2H (Hong Kong) Pte Limited and its Clients will be governed by Hong Kong law, and the Client shall consent and submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.
    3. Any dispute between a Client and the Company must first be referred to the Company in writing. In the event that the dispute cannot be resolved, it must then be submitted to local mediation before recourse to any courts.
    4. If any clause of this document is found to be unenforceable, then the clause shall be removed and the Terms will remain in force without it.
  24. Declaration

    Signing up as a Client for our Services through digital channels, you explicitly accept these terms and conditions as part of your sign-up process. Signing up as a Client for our Services over the Counter or using our Concierge services, you will sign a copy of these terms and conditions.

  25. Bill Payments and Merchant Services

    1. The Client acknowledges and agrees to utilise Pay2Home’s bill payment services and merchant services (collectively referred to as “Services”) provided by Wandr Pte. Ltd. in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined herein.
    2. The Client agrees to settle all financial obligations, invoices, or fees owed to the Company promptly and in accordance with the billing terms specified by the Company. These bills may include charges for services rendered, products sold, subscription fees, membership dues, or any other applicable expenses incurred by the Client. The Client acknowledges that failure to make timely payments may result in additional fees or penalties as outlined in the tariff of charges provided by the Company.
    3. The Client acknowledges that the Company offers merchant services to facilitate payment transactions for goods or services purchased by customers. By engaging in transactions with the Company, the Client agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth by the Company and any relevant payment providers. The Client further acknowledges that the Company acts solely as a facilitator in processing payments and shall not be held liable for any disputes or issues arising from such transactions.
    4. In the event of disputes regarding bill payments or merchant services, the Client agrees to promptly notify the Company and provide relevant documentation or evidence to support their claim. The Company reserves the right to investigate and address disputes in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Client acknowledges that chargebacks initiated without valid reason may result in additional fees or penalties assessed by the Company to cover administrative costs incurred.
    5. The Company reserves the right to modify, amend, or update these terms and conditions related to bill payments and merchant services at any time without prior notice. Clients are encouraged to review the terms periodically to stay informed of any changes. Continued use of the Company’s services following the posting of changes constitutes acceptance of the modified terms.
    6. Consent: By utilising the bill payment services and engaging in transactions facilitated by the Company, Clients acknowledge their acceptance of these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.
  26. Lastly

    We take our professional reputation, corporate governance, and the integrity of our services very seriously. If you do anything that in anyway prejudices us, we will respond accordingly, so be warned. If we mistakenly do anything wrong, we will make our best endeavours to ensure that everything is resolved satisfactorily for all parties concerned.